Saturday, October 8, 2016

Northern Lights, October 1, 2016

As to be expected with a level 6 forecast, there was a lot of Aurora activity last night. Unlike my early September photos, I didn't see any of the shimmering ribbons of light sort of activity this time. Instead it was more a subtly changing smear of light across the sky. It would have been easy to mistake the lights for some sort of strange clouds. Still, I got a couple good shots of the dipper again! I used about a 10 second exposure for these shots, and, no: the trees aren't leaning: that's an artifact of the ultra-wide 10mm lens.

These were taken at 62° 53' 12.73" N, 149° 46' 33.34" W; about halfway between Talkeetna and Cantwell on the George Parks Highway, on the side of the road just a little north of the north Denali viewpoint, inside Denali State Park:

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Northern Lights, Fairbanks, Alaska, September 2nd and 3rd, 2016

The Aurora was active when we visited Fairbanks in early September. You can find an Aurora forecast over on the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute's webpage: Aurora activity is forecast on a 0-9 scale. These photos were captured on the clearing between cabins at Pike's Waterfront Lodge, when the Aurora activity was at level 4.

(As always, click on the image to enlarge.)