Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Eagle River, November 2015

So I decided to load up the adventure-mobile and go check out Eagle River, Alaska.

It was a balmy 5F when I left Anchorage, but it was a good ten degrees or more colder in Eagle River.

I got out there before the sun had crested the mountains.

And waited for this:

Then I hit the trails:

Time for a mid-trail selfie!

Finding light was a challenge in the river valley.

Several hours and many miles later, encountering my frosty grizzled visage coming out of the woods startled a few hikers who were just starting out their day!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Flight-seeing Denali

I have shared prior renditions of some of these photographs in various forums, Facebook, etc., but have not previously sat down and processed them properly for sharing here. These were taken in September 2014. My dear old dad and I took a flight-seeing tour with K2 Aviation out of Talkeetna, Alaska. This is the approximate route of the flight:

With no further narration, starting from the Talkeetna airport, here are the photos. As always, clicken to embiggen.